tesserNet Software Requirements and Installation for Solaris 9

*Compiling and Linking Applications


Installing software provided by tesserNet Systems Inc. involves these steps:

* Check that your system meets the necessary requirements (see section Requirements).
* Install software.


Before you begin, make sure your system has the following software already installed:

* Solaris 9 operating system.
* RTAP/Plus version 8.6.
* Motif 2.1 runtime environment (required only for Motif applications).
* X11R6 runtime environment (required only for Motif applications).
* CDE Shared libraries (required only if your installing the on-line help).


Any programming using the tesserNet programming libraries will require the ANSI C++ software from SUN.


  1. Uncompress package by typing "gunzip <pkg>" as user "root"
  2. Install package by typing "pkgadd -d <pkg>" as user "root"



If you choose the install in a destination directory other than root, you must set the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. This is because some of the executables shipped need to be able to locate the shared libraries libCBase.so and libCRtap.so.


The installation procedure may add files to the following directories:


Directory Description


contains the executable binaries


contains both archive and shared libraries


contains miscellaneous files, including the newconfig directory


contains RTAP/Plus point configuration files


contains include files


contains source files


contains database builder files


contains man pages for executables


contains man pages for library routines


contains on-line help files


contains graphic files for the on-line help


contains control panel files; a directory by the name of the application will be created


If any C++ executables are installed, the latest version of the C++ shared library will be installed in the "opt/tesserNet/etc/newconfig" directory. If a different version of the C++ shared library exists in the "/usr/lib" directory, you must set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to point to the "opt/tesserNet/etc/newconfig" directory before the "/usr/lib" directory. Otherwise, the customize script will automatically move the C++ shared library into the "/usr/lib" directory.



If you are upgrading from a previous version, you will need to re-compile any applications you may have written using tesserNet's programming filesets.



If you are installing the on-line help filesets, you must have already installed the CDE (Common Desktop Environment) shared libraries, as the on-line help now uses the CDE help viewer.

Compiling and Linking Applications

To compile and link applications that use the tesserNet Systems Inc. libraries, the programming environment fileset(s) must be installed.

In order to find the include files, you must provide the -I/opt/tesserNet/include option to the compiler; either as an option on the command line or in the environment variable CCOPTS.

In order to link in the library files, you must provide the -L/opt/tesserNet/lib option to the compiler; either as an option on the command line or in the environment variable CCOPTS. Link the following libraries in the following order:

For non-exception C++ applications:

-Xa -library=iostream -lCRtap -lCBase <RTAP/Plus libraries> <system libraries>

For exception C++ applications:

-Xa -library=iostream -lCRtapExcep -lCBaseExcep <RTAP/Plus libraries> <system libraries>


<RTAP/Plus libraries> = -lrtapPlus -lrtap -lrtapLic -lcrTools

<system libraries> = -lm -lsocket -lnsl -lgen -lXm -lXt -lX11 (if linking a Motif application)